Energy Bridges is founded by Martijn Luyten en Robert Rutten in 2020 as spin off of Media Bridges. We have a network of independent consultants and related partners. We have more than 15 years consulting experience in telecom and media.

Our main experience is in the field of creation, strategy and technology. Our strengths is not so much writing plans, but more the step by step implementation of new concepts.

Starting with an idea, we set up brainstorms. Online and offline. Sessions with experts. Interviews and online research. Out of that creating the first product. The prototype, the app or the website. Looking for funding and partners. Be involved in the founding team. Creating the first business case.

We like to stay on board. The journey from start up to scale up takes often 3 to 5 years. Along the way being involved in sales, marketing and business development. At the end of the journey looking for a exit and integrate it into a bigger company.